Iloilo City Hall opens on weekends for business permits


The Iloilo City Government through the Business Permits and Licensing Office (BPLO) has started accepting the application for business permits renewal January 3 until January 20.

BPLO chief Norman Tabud said the City Hall is open during weekdays from 8am to 9pm and weekends from 8am to 5pm to accommodate registrants.

“We encourage businessmen to renew your business permits as soon as possible to avoid hassle. We are open even during weekends until January 20,” said Tabud.

To provide businessmen hassle-free transaction, the City Hall has put up a one-stop shop at the City Treasurer’s Office (CTO) at ground floor where all three steps needed for the renewal of business permits are consolidated.

Step 1 includes submission of Declaration of Gross Receipts (DGR) along with all requirements to the examiner’s desk at CTO followed by claiming of tax order of payments at the Examination and Inspection Division, and payment of business tax due, Bureau of Fire and Protection (BFP) fees, community tax certificate and other pertinent fees.

“We also offer online assessment, meaning to say we are available online to assess their business tax so that when they go here, all they need to do is to pay and get their permit,” Tabud said.

Some 14, 500 business permits are expected to be renewed, he added.

Businessmen who failed to renew their business permits after Jan. 20 will be sanctioned with 25 percent surcharge.

Tabud said most of business permits being renewed are tourism-related business including accommodation sector, food and restaurant, and retail and merchandising. (By Merianne Grace J. Ereñeta/ Iloilo City PIO)


Iloilo City Hall opens on weekends for business permits Iloilo City Hall opens on weekends for business permits Reviewed by Nonoynet on 3:19 PM Rating: 5

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