DOST’s ‘Science Explorer’ invades Iloilo schools


Dubbed as the Philippines’ first mobile science learning facility, the Department of Science and Technology’s (DOST) Science Explorer has now arrived in Iloilo to bring to schools that are under-equipped or have no science laboratories, a fun experience in learning science through cool and interactive experiments in the hope of inspiring them to pursue S&T courses in the future.

The Science Explorer accommodated a total of 570 pupils and students from Lapayon Elementary School and Lapayon National High School in Leganes, Iloilo on its first leg last January 26, 2018.

Several topics were taught inside the Science Explorer Bus which include Weather Science, Forest Biodiversity, River Geology, Water Rocketry and Marine Science.

These pupils and students on the first two visits were just part of the more or less 750 pupils and students from public elementary and secondary schools in Iloilo who are about to experience the said learning facility in the upcoming days.

Run by the DOST-Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI), this year’s Science Explorer project is set to invade further the following schools in Iloilo:

1. Bayag Elementary School and Bayag National High School in Leon, Iloilo;
2. Badiangan Elementary School and Badiangan National High School in Badiangan, Iloilo;
3. Dueňas Central Elementary School and Dueňas General Comprehensive High School in Dueňas, Iloilo; and
4. New Lucena Central Elementary School and New Lucena High School in New Lucena, Iloilo.

Science Explorer features a growing collection of exciting modules that promote hands-on learning of complex science and mathematics fields. The Science Explorer Bus goes to underprivileged schools in the provinces as well as in Metro Manila.

Different strategies are being employed inside the Science Explorer to ensure effective learning. These include Computer Aided Instructional Materials for elementary or high school science and mathematics using locally-developed courseware and resources, ETV lessons and resources featuring CDs of educational science programs, fun experiments and play science, interactive science exhibits, storytelling and creativity workshops and invent school.

Unveiled in 2010, the Science Explorer was conceptualized to help bring to schools that are under-equipped or has no science laboratory a hands-on experience in experiments and discover the world of science at an early age. (DOST6/JRAGabiota)


DOST’s ‘Science Explorer’ invades Iloilo schools DOST’s ‘Science Explorer’ invades Iloilo schools Reviewed by Nonoynet on 9:05 PM Rating: 5

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