Iloilo City scholars screening starts May 11


The Iloilo City Government will accept applications for its educational financial assistance program starting May 11-25.
Mayor Jose Espinosa III initiated the program that will benefit 200 incoming freshmen scholars for school year 2018-2019. Each scholar will receive P1,000 monthly.

Forms are available at Local Youth Development Division at 6th floor of City Hall.

Applicants should submit an accomplished Scholarship Application Form; two passport size colored pictures; certificate of residency issued by Punong Barangay both for the applicant and parents or legal guardian; certificate from the City Commission on Election (Comelec) that the applicant’s parents or legal guardian are registered voters of Iloilo City; Income Tax Return (ITR) if any, if both parents, or the legal guardian have business or self-employed; BIR Form 2316 if any of parents or the legal guardian is employed; Tax Exemption Certificate if any or both parents or legal guardian belongs to non-formal employment; and Certificate of good moral character and Form 138.

The city’s Scholarship Commission will check and finalize the list of pre-qualified applicants for the competitive exam on May 28-31.
The list of pre-qualified applicants for the competitive exam will be posted on June 1 while the competitive exam and finalization of qualified applicants will be conducted on June 4-8.

The list of names of qualified scholars will be posted on June 15.

“I am inviting those who want to finish college despite financial difficulty to apply and have the chance to become city scholars to support their studies,” Espinosa said.

[READ: Pag-ulikid Scholarship Program qualifications, requirements]

Applicants must be residents of Iloilo City; should have good moral character; both parents or legal guardian must have a total gross income derived from livelihood, business, occupation, exercise of profession, allotment or pension of not exceeding P220,000 per annum for the last two preceding years; registered voters of Iloilo City; a graduate of any public or government recognized private senior high school with an average of 85 percent provided without final rating of 80% in any subject in the final year; and must be enrolled in any bachelor’s degree courses provided by Commission on Higher Education (CHED) except courses offered at Iloilo City Community College; and enrolled in schools recognized or accredited by CHED. (Merianne Grace Ereñeta/Iloilo City PIO)


Iloilo City scholars screening starts May 11 Iloilo City scholars screening starts May 11 Reviewed by Nonoynet on 4:12 PM Rating: 5

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