All set for Health conference in WV


In its efforts to identify priority regional problems that are amenable to research and establish priority research projects in response to the identified health problems in Western Visayas, the Department of Science and Technology Western Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium (DOST-WVHRDC) in cooperation with the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD), and the Department of Health Regional Office VI (DOH VI) will be holding the 3rd Western Visayas Health Research Conference on November 6-7, 2018 at Diversion 21 Hotel, Iloilo City.

With the theme “Improved Health Outcomes through Health Research and Innovation”, the conference will bring together students, researchers, health practitioners, health managers, and other health stakeholders in Western Visayas to discuss and share mechanisms to strengthen health research capabilities, promote the dissemination and utilization of health research findings in the region, and encourage resource-sharing among partner institutions.

The two-day conference will include plenaries and research forums on health research and innovation including some other activities such as Graduate Research Competition, Undergraduate Research Competition, and Research Forum Synthesis, Graduate Research Oral Presentation Competition, Undergraduate Oral Presentation Competition, Poster Presentation Competition and Press Conference.

The Western Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium (WVHRDC), formerly RHRDC VI, was formally converted into a consortium last November 19,2010. The primary objective of the WVHRDC is to strengthen the system of collaboration in Region VI in order to develop and enhance the capacity of institutions within the region engaged and interested in health research, as a strategy to improve the health conditions of its people.

The WVHRDC is also expected to establish mechanisms to strengthen health research capabilities, encourage resource sharing between institutions, and promote the dissemination and utilization of health research results in the region.

Meanwhile, the priority areas of Regional Unified Health Research Agenda (RUHRA), which promotes investment in health research in the country include: Infectious Diseases, Child and Adolescent Health, Non-communicable Disease, Maternal and Child Health, Substance Abuse, Expanded Program on Immunization, Food and Nutrition, Drug Discovery and Development, Geriatric Health, Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Mental Health, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, Special Groups, Pharmacoeconomics, Health Governance, Health Research and Utilization, Health Technologies, Human Resources, Healthcare Policy and Regulation, Environmental Health and Sanitation, Health Service Delivery and Referral System, Medical Devices, Occupational Safety and Health Hazards, Health Financing, ICT Applications in Health and Accidents and Injuries. (DOST6/JRAGabiota)


All set for Health conference in WV All set for Health conference in WV Reviewed by Nonoynet on 8:17 PM Rating: 5

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