Councilor Gonzales proposes pedestrianization of Calle Real


Iloilo City Calle Real is envisioned to become a public park for pedestrians and bikers every weekend nights from Saturday, November 30 to December 28, 2013 in a move to explore the viability of a pedestrianized downtown core.

The proposal was introduced by city councilor Jason Gonzales for a one month experimentation of temporary closure of the street junctions from JM Basa and Arroyo up to JM Basa and Mapa starting at 5PM to 11:59 PM andall weekends henceforth until December 28, 2013.

The city council has referred the proposal to the committees on tourism and transportation.

Gonzales said the plan would explore the viability of a vision set forth in the 2011-2020 Iloilo Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) in consonance with plans of the city for the revitalization of the central business district and restoration of heritage structures along the street.

Gonzales said that Iloilo City Calle Real can compete with other big cities of the world with its walkable street dotted with heritage structures. Pedestrianization has to be prioritized as well for physical fitness by opening a new public park for walking and site seeing.

At present, 10 heritage structures are already restored along JM Basa street and a walking tour at night will showcase the heritage row as well as for tourism and cultural heritage revival.

The absolutely no smoking new public park will be augmented by a night market in the future, Gonzales said.


Councilor Gonzales proposes pedestrianization of Calle Real Councilor Gonzales proposes pedestrianization of Calle Real Reviewed by Nonoynet on 12:34 PM Rating: 5

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