The ODSP is a college scholarship program for qualified dependents of active OWWA members earning a monthly salary of US$ 600 or below.
Aiming to make the program accessible to intended beneficiaries all over the country, OWWA doubled the annual scholarship slots from 1,250 to 2,500.
Eligible beneficiaries are children or siblings (if unmarried) of active OWWA members who are not more than 30 years old, currently enrolled in colleges, and have never obtained a failing grade throughout their academic records.
Furthermore, members’ beneficiaries who have stopped schooling but would like to complete their academic studies can also avail of the said program.
Mr. James Mendiola, Officer-In-Charge of OWWA RWO 6, stressed that the applicants will be accepted on a “first come, first served basis” and are encouraged to submit their requirements on or before July 31, 2017 as there are only thirteen (13) slots allotted for each province.
Application forms are available at the OWWA Region 6 Office at Robinsons Place Iloilo City or at the Bacolod City satellite office in Old City Hall, Luzurriaga Street.
For more details, those interested can call the Iloilo City office at telephone numbers (033) 509-1075 or 337-4484, or at the Bacolod City satellite office on (034) 432-2873.
OWWA opens scholarship slots for dependents of low-income OFWs
Reviewed by Nonoynet
4:59 PM