DOST 6 brings Reg'l S&T event to Capiz


The Department of Science and Technology (DOST VI) will once again highlight the science and technology advocacy in the countryside through the conduct of the 2018 Regional Science and Technology Week (RSTW), this time at Robinsons Place Roxas, Roxas City, Capiz on August 29-31, 2018.

According to DOST VI Regional Director Engr. Rowen R. Gelonga, the 2018 RSTW will be celebrated in response to the goal of bringing Science, Technology and Innovation nearer to the people, particularly those living outside of the major urban areas, so that we can attain inclusive development.

“The activities lined up for this year’s celebration is in consideration of the scientific and technological potentials in Capiz specifically in the fields of aquaculture, agriculture, disaster resilience, food security, ICT as well as human resource development. We intend to showcase what we have initially accomplished and explored opportunities for us to further strengthen our partnerships with the local government units, business and industry, civic and people’s organizations so that these S&T outputs can be optimally harnessed for the benefit of the Filipinos. As known already by everyone, the most competitive countries today are not those with the largest or biggest land, labor, and capital. Rather, the most developed countries today have attained their success through a different set of parameters - knowledge, technology, innovation and competent human capital.” Engr. Gelonga added.

Bannered with the theme, “Innovation for Collective Prosperity (Siyensya Para Sa Kauswagan Sang Tanan)”, the RSTW is institutionalized to provide a holistic avenue for the people of Capiz to experience how science and technology work in creating huge impacts to people’s lives. This also marks the strong commitment of the science community in pursuing collective expertise and innovations pertinent to the development endeavors of the government.

Several activities are lined up for this year’s RSTW to showcase DOST’s innovations and remarkable accomplishments in science and technology such as the (1) S&T Expo featuring exhibits and audio-visual presentations, DOST oneSTore and Kape Bisaya: Innovation Café, (2) S&T Fora, (3) YES! Youth Explorers of Science and (4) Project Visits in the Province of Capiz.

The 2018 RSTW will feature DOST’s innovative programs and services particularly its support to the industry, MSMEs, and the academe. Among of which are the S&T Exhibits featuring new technologies on disaster resilience, health and nutrition, ICT, school, processed foods, agriculture and aquaculture technologies.

DOST-assisted products under the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) will also be highlighted through the DOST One Store Hub and sharing of innovation stories and tech-talks at the Kape Bisaya: Innovation Café.

The regional celebration is anchored with the National Science and Technology Week (NSTW), founded in 1982 through Proclamation No. 2214 with these objectives:

• To showcase the significant science and technology trends, developments and breakthroughs as well as the accomplishments and beyond of DOST;

• To promote interaction, linkages, collaboration, and coordination, to contribute to the development of a competent and competitive science and technology community among technology generators, business firms, business support organizations, and academe through the conduct of the NSTW;

• To increase sales of the MSMEs assisted by DOST-SETUP in terms of technology training, consultancy, and technology acquisition and upgrading;

• To attract potential clients to avail the different S&T services particularly in local food industries to help them increase their productivity and sales;

• To mainstream the consciousness of the S&T in the community particularly in the provinces; and

• To promote science and technology with the youth in the region and to encourage more interest of the youth in science, technology, research and development, and innovation.

According to Engr. Gelonga, DOST VI is also taking this opportunity to show to the public that the gains it has in science and technology have been made possible only because of its strategic partnership with the academic sector specifically the public and private colleges and universities in Western Visayas.
He said, “Without the support of our engineers, researchers, and scientists from the academe, DOST could not have achieved what we have accomplished so far.”

“These are merely initial accomplishments and so much more needs to be done by all of us. As such, we continually strive to generate more research outputs and transform them into technologies and innovations that will boost the competitiveness of business and industry as well as solve problems that affect the well-being of the public.” Engr. Gelonga further added. (DOST6/JRAGabiota)


DOST 6 brings Reg'l S&T event to Capiz DOST 6 brings Reg'l S&T event to Capiz Reviewed by Nonoynet on 6:54 PM Rating: 5

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